i will share three easiest
ways to propagate snake plants
to get more plants from a single mother
Propagation by Stem Cutting
if any of your snake plants get
elongated like this plant
and have a stemi appearance you can take
a stem cutting out of them
as you can see here this plant got
and here it got some root like
appearances so there is a possibility to
develop roots
once planted in the soil now here
i have taken a clear sanitized pruner
and making a clear cut below this
root-like appearances
and it has been separated
now rest of this portion will push baby
plants from this cut area
or from the base like this baby plant
so this is the cutting and from the base
now you can clearly see these root like
however after taking a stem cutting
leave it in a cool place for about three
to four hours
in order to dry out and callous over the
cut area as growing media
i have taken the cactus mix now i am
going to plant this stem cutting
make sure a good portion of the plant
base is inserted
into the growing media so it's done
and i will water it after two days which
will reduce the chances of rotting
now here are some limitations you hardly
will find an elongated stem on a snake
plant like mine
most of the time mature plants develop
long stems however
sometimes if you take a look in the
middle portion of a snake plant
you may find some roots are popping out
from the node areas
as you can see here and if you cut right
below these roots you will also get a
stem cutting to propagate
now this type of long stem often you
will find in the dwarf snake plant
overall this method will not apply to
all varieties of snake plants
however you can try the next propagation
Propagation by Leaf Cutting
which is propagating through leaf
cuttings take some mature leaves from a
snake plant
mature means the bottom leaves which are
green and firm
like this leaf now try to cut out the
leaf from the base like this
i found this bottom white portion is
more active to develop roots
so encouraging you to cut the leaves
from the base
now you can take the whole leaf as
cutting or you can cut it half
like this and can propagate but
at this point you have to remember which
side is up
so here i have taken a few leaf cuttings
after taking cuttings as before leave
this for about three to four
hours to dry out and callous over the
cut areas
snake plants are susceptible to
bacterial and fungal infestations
so they will rot if not being calloused
now you can propagate these leaf
cuttings both in soil and water
for the soil propagation as growing
media have taken cactus mix
and my cuttings are ready to plant
around 1 inch into the growing media as
i am doing
now you do not need to use rooting
hormones it will root spontaneously
all the cuttings are inserted into the
soil and i will water this
after 2 days for preventing rotting
water only when approximately 80 of the
media has been dried out
so about a few weeks back i planted some
leaf cuttings from my dressing a
triforce theater
and they have been rooted in and it will
take next few weeks to pop baby plants
in the water propagation method take a
clean jar or glass
fill around one fifth with clean water
and simply put the calloused cuttings
avoid submerging them just keep the
water level at the bottom layer
then place the glass in a cool shaded
and don't forget to change the water
once every two days
now here is a limitation through this
method most of the cuttings will root
but if you try to propagate the
cultivated versions of this plant
it will lose its variegation and color
and will reverse into a green
common snake plant variety but if you
try to propagate the common green snake
plant variety
then this method is a viable way to
propagate the next method is
Propagation by Division
division which is more effective than
the other two methods
snake plants form underground rhizomes
and develop
offsets from here and dividing these
you will get individual plants and
through this
the plant will not lose its variegation
or color
here my plant got lots of offsets
so i pull out the whole clamp from the
growing media
now gently breaking and separating the
you can see they are attached to the
underground rhizome
so i have separated them and washed the
and now you can clearly see how their
roots look like
here also leave them for about four to
five hours
in order to heal the cut areas and after
plant them in the growing media
and water after two days from planting
now snake plants grow very slowly
even their cuttings take too long to
develop roots and grow plants
so you have to be patient so that's all
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